Links tab

The Links tab in a record's Documents pop-up lists all of the the web addresses (URLs) attached to the selected record and enables users to interact with those links.

Links grid

Lists the web addresses attached to the selected record.

  • Filter tool iconAllows the user to filter or search for a Link.
  • Select a column header to sort the records. This icon indicates the column and direction (ascending or descending) by which the data is sorted.

Add Link

Attaches a web address to the selected Lucity record.


Launches the selected link in a new tab within the current web browser.


Enables the user to modify the connection between the Lucity record and the selected link.


Removes the connection between the Lucity record and the selected link.

Document Properties


Specifies the URL for the desired website.


Describes the nature of the site or link.

Copy to WO

Indicates whether the system should assign the link to any Work Orders created for the associated asset.